PG1337 Elegant Window® Silicone Cookware Handle Grippers (1pair)

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SKU: PG1337 Category:

Health and safety in the kitchen is a priority! This Silicone Gripper is designed to do just that. Made from high quality silicone material, this highly heat-resistant silicone gripper is:


  • suitable for allowing safe handling of hot cookware and crockeries directly from ovens, steamers, microwaves and any other kitchen appliances
  • safe to use – product tested and passed European Standard (with references to EN 1186-1:2002, EN 1186-2:2002 and EN 1186-3:2002)
  • able to withstand extreme temperature of up to 280°C
  • resistant to flavours absorption and discolouring
  • easy to use and wash (safe in a dishwasher)

PLEASE NOTE: This product is unsuitable for grilling, barbecuing (BBQ), smoking, roasting or any other burning techniques whereby the product is in direct contact with flame.


Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow